Myths and legends

Styled and creative shoot are a fantastic way to try out new lighting and also refresh all the things about natural light and its use. Being a member of numerous facebook groups that involve lots of n Ireland based talent definitely has its benefits, having seen a few shots featuring Shauneen from another photographer I decide to get in touch to arrange a collaboration of our own.

Shauneen styled her outfits from the knowledge of the locations which we discussed a few months prior, Audleys Castle in Co Down was our first chosen location.

Situated approx 40 mins from newtownards on the co down coast its featured in the recent series of Game of Thrones, and its in excellent condition so set the tone for a few creative images in and around the grounds.

on the laneway up we paused for our first shot and the weather was considerably sunnier than we had expected, so we stayed in the shaded area whilst i used a strobe camera left to help bring Shauneen out of the shadows.

Pausing on the way up to let a few tourists pass we took in more of that shade.

we quickly worked our way around the castle itself, doing our best to keep the tourists out of shot. and we took in a selection of moody portraits.

Once we had a good selection it was time to make the castle feature in the backdrops.

This is a 6 shot port panorama stitched together in lightroom, i have to say even i was surprised how well it handled this giant digital file, the detail and definition up close is astonishing.

looking out over the bay and pier a few boats had to be removed in the final version as they were not the right era lol.

Once the castle got a little tourist busy we made or way onto the pathway through the forest adjacent to the castle , it made for some great opportunities to get the strobe out of the bag agin.

And we followed up with a few images at the waters edge.

Then we decided to move on as the weather was quickly starting to worsen, it was of to the Ballynoe stone circle for our feature set using the headress i created that morning, took a while to feed the actual entrance as google maps gave us the run around and you physically cant see the circle from either of the roads we travelled, thankfully a knowledgeable local helped out and we got to take in the fascinating pathway which leads to the circle itself.

the perspective down the pathway was excellent for some long lens F2.8 portraits.

Shauneen had brought along her amazing sword and it added brilliantly to the Floral warrior styling.

a few quirky things on the way down the path like the step over stone wall which lead to 2 seperate fields, and numerous fairy doors and fairy paraphernalia adorned the three on the way down.

some fun swooshing shots with the cloak then it was of to visit the actual circle which was approx 400 yds from the main road.

A couple more shots with the headdress then we decide to change it up to a more nordic vibe.

Shauneen changed her fab outfit once more and we did 2 more styles before wrapping up.

Liike the images you see , all of these are availble in print form which donations going to our sponsered charity the lilac cancer charity group , and we will also be shaing a percentage with shaunneen for her amazing work. feel free to get in touch as there framed prints from as little as £35 wall ready, delivery will be extra depending on location.
